Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well, nothing exiting today... I did update my fanfiction stories! woot! [haha Allison!]
I guess I could tell you 'bout some of my friends...
She is so cool. She doesn't see herself clearly though. I try and tell her otherwise, but she's so stubborn sometimes, sorry Ali but, it's true. Your gorgeous! Don't think bad about yourself. And, your a great friend. You always make me laugh.
She is crzy. We have alot of good times together. She's always texting me. And always making me laugh. We may live in diff. states but, oh well. It doesn't matter. She doesn't have a blog, she does have an email. But that's 'bout it. She's pretty old school. :D
I have alot of friends, but, these 2 ladies are the bestest. haha.

-&- Babi Bronze.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hello all,
I am, obviously, new here. Blogging for the first time. Woot woot! I like to read, and write; my hobbies. I am completly and utterly obsessed with Twilight. I'm not quite sure why that is, but I just find it intresting I guess. Favorite characters? The Cullen boys ;)
I will most likely be writing everyday, so get ready! Lol.
-&-Babi Bronze