Monday, March 2, 2009

Wow. Can you believe it's already March? I can't, it's gone by wayyyy to fast. But, hopefully faster 'cause my birthday is barley in November. Sheesh.
You know what someone told me today? So, I was just talking and they came up to me and were like "You talk with such eloquence," And I'm like, "Thanks," I had to ask my friend what that meant 'cause I always get it confused with elegant so yeah, learned a new word! So, for those of you who don't know what it means, it means that you have persuasive nice flawless speech. So, that's pretty cool.
I can persuade people to do stuff... oohhh...Hmm. Its probably a gift and a curse, i don't know yet, butttt.. So, that was pretty much how my day went today. Pretty boring i'll say.

So, tell me.. How was your day today?

-&- Babi Bronze.